Welcome to Web Pages of this Club. The Club is based in Lancaster, England and members enjoy fellwalking in the National Parks close to the City. The Web pages include information for new members as well as details of the regular walking programmes.
About the Club
Members and new Members
Booking info
About The Club
What we do
Rules and Constitution
Coach Walks (Grades)
Walking Rules
Equipment and Safety
History of The Club
The Committee
Purpose of this Website

What we do---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The club exists for its members and its long history confirms that it is fulfilling their needs in providing healthy exercise in the open air in beautiful surroundings, challenging walks at all levels and good company and friendship.

Coach Walks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Index
Our walks are suitable for all age groups and offer a wide ability range. The details below give a general indication of the type of walks available.
'B' party is usually 9 to 11 miles and some hill walking.

'A minus' is usually 10 to 12 miles and is intended to be suitable for those wanting slightly more than a B walk. In summer this walk is often planned as a direct ascent of a summit without the additional mileage of an A walk.

'A' party is usually anything between 12 and 15 miles and is suitable for the reasonably fit fell walker and includes uphill climbing for anything up to 3,000 feet.

'A+' party - this party walks at a fast pace and can climb up to 4,500 feet and cover anything between 14 and 18 miles.

Equipment & Safety----------------------------------------------------------------- Index
Minimum requirements for fell walking are strong footwear, preferably comfortable boots to protect the ankles, warm clothing, including an extra jumper in your rucksack, waterproofs, map, compass, whistle, torch, first aid kit (containing items individually required) and sufficient food and drink. The torch is obviously to see your way if you get benighted, but also to use as a signal. Six long flashes with a torch or six long blasts on a whistle signal an emergency. Also carry a survival bag of your own if going on the high fells. The wearing of denim is discouraged as once wet, stays wet.
A club First Aid Kit and Survival Tent is carried on each of the 4 walks.

The club First Aid Kit contains -

2 non-adherent dressings
Pain relief – for personal use
Aspirin 300 mgs (soluble) for suspected heart attack
10 fabric adhesive dressings
6 antiseptic tissues
Disposable latex glove
5 gauze dressings
Micropore tape
Triangular bandage for arm sling
Primary care information sheet.

Members are encouraged to carry their own first aid kits containing items individually required, e.g. personal medications / tablets.

Walkers should stay with their leader. Getting ahead means you may take a wrong turning, or cause the group to straggle too much.

PLEASE follow the Country Code. Take all your litter home. Close gates after you unless they were open to begin with. Our right to access the countryside and farmers' lands depends upon treating it with respect.

Take nothing but pictures

Leave nothing but footprints

Kill nothing but time.

And - enjoy yourselves!

The Committeee

President:- Audrey Robinson

Vice President:- Terry Abbott

Secretary:- Judith Brown

Treasurer:- Andy Pickering

Walks co-ordinator:- Mike Codd

Committee Members

Chris Waddon

Margaret Tyson

Pauline Burgmans

Mark Scarisbrick

Maria Peel

Alison Barrow

Peter Brookes

Honorary Librarian:- Maria Peel

Hon Auditor:- Dorothy Swarbrick

Webmaster:- Jim Shepherd

Rules and Constitution

1. The Club shall be called the Lancaster Fellwalkers.

2. The Club shall provide various grades of walks to suit the abilities of members and promote social fellowship and enjoyment of the countryside.

3. Members shall pay an annual subscription at a level determined by the Committee. Members who are under 18 at the beginning of the Club financial year shall pay half the adult subscription. All members over 18 shall pay the full subscription, excepting Honorary Life Members. The subscription is due on 1st January, which date shall be the beginning of the financial year.

4. The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of four officers (President, Vice President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer) and eight ordinary members, all elected for one year at the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held in February. Retiring committee members shall be eligible for re-election. An Hon. Auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

5. The Committee shall co-opt one or two persons if necessary.

6. Fifty percent of elected members, including at least one Officer, shall constitute a quorum at a Committee meeting.

7. Extraordinary expenditure (i.e. beyond routine business such as coach hire, administrative costs) of more than £50 per item will require the agreement of the Committee. Such expenditure may be discussed at an ordinary meeting of the committee or a meeting convened especially for the purpose. The Committee may delegate consideration of extraordinary expenditure to a sub-committee. The sub-committee shall have a minimum of three members, two of whom shall be the Treasurer and another Officer.

8. The committee shall conduct the day to day affairs of the club and meet as often as the club’s activities dictate. There shall be at least 6 meetings per year.

9. The Committee shall have power to recommend Honorary Life Membership for outstanding service to the Club, provided that there are not more than six such Honorary Life Members at any time, such recommendations to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.

10. All nominations for membership of the Committee shall be made in writing on the appropriate form and sent to the Hon. Secretary at least three days before

the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting. (Further nomination forms can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary).

11. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by an officer of the Club following a signed request by two members stating the purpose for such a meeting. A notice of one month shall be given to all Club members of such a meeting and no other business shall be conducted at the EGM

12. All members are expected to observe strictly Special Rules relating to coach trips, and when rambling to submit to the ruling and guidance of the Leader. They should not leave the party without notifying the Leader.

13. In the event of dissolution of the Club, the following procedure shall apply:-
· An EGM shall be called by the Club Committee to vote on the proposal to dissolve the Club.
· A two-thirds majority of members voting at such a meeting must be in favour of the motion to effect the dissolution.
· All members shall be notified by the Committee of the intention to dissolve the Club, in writing, at least 14 days before the EGM.
· The Committee shall be responsible for the dispersal of the Club property.
· The Treasurer shall be responsible for the transfer of any Club funds remaining to some other organisation or organisations having objectives similar to the objectives of the Club, and/or to a Mountain Rescue group, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by resolution passed at a General Meeting or, in the absence of such a resolution, by the Committee.

14. The Club reserves the right to expel any member who breaks the rules of the Club or, in the opinion of the Committee, brings fellwalking or the Club into disrepute. Such an expulsion shall be voted on by the Committee at a meeting specially convened for the purpose of hearing the motion for expulsion. The date and venue of such a meeting shall be decided by the Committee. No person shall be expelled unless and until 4 weeks notice of the meeting at which his/her expulsion is to be proposed is given. S/he shall be afforded a proper opportunity of being heard at such a meeting to give his/her own defence and may be accompanied by another club member to offer support and advice. The Committee of the Club shall not be required to give any reasons for such an expulsion except at such a meeting. Any person expelled shall not be entitled to the return of any monies paid to the Club

15. Any matter affecting the conduct and welfare of the Club not already governed by the above Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee.

16. The Constitution may only be altered by resolution passed by two thirds of the members present at a General Meeting (Annual or Extraordinary). Following notification of the resolution to the Hon. Secretary, details of the resolution will be circulated to all Club members six weeks prior to the General Meeting.


Walking Rules

Members and guests out on coach rambles must participate in one of the organised rambles, and are then covered by Public Liability Insurance.
At the leader's discretion, a group may leave an organised party, for example to cut the walk short, but for safety sake the proposed route must be identified and the people concerned should remain as a group.

Members are strongly advised to arrange their own insurance cover in respect of the Club's activities.

Strong footwear, warm clothing, waterproofs, maps, compass, whistle, torch, first aid kit, and adequate food and drink are essential.

If by any chance you get separated from your party and are unable to meet the coach at its agreed parking place within reasonable time (say one hour) please inform the police so that they can let us know what has happened. The Clubs Mobile Telephone (07765 457521) is left on The Coach and the leaders are issued with a card detailing this before setting off on a ramble.

For reasons of safety, no dogs please.

These simple rules have been found necessary to protect the interests of the majority members.


History of The Club

The club was formed 82 years ago in 1938 although it had its beginnings 15 years earlier in a walking club based at the Storey Institute in Lancaster. Since 1938 a programme of walks has been produced twice a year by the committee but based on ideas put forward by the general membership. In the early days public transport was used but now we always travel by coach.Index


Purpose of this Website

This Web site was first launched in May 1998 and is designed to give a 'look and feel' of the Club. It exists to encourage new members to come out on the Coach Rambles and the Summer Wednesday Evening walks. It also acts as a resource for all those that are, or have been, active members.
To Print Booking and Cancellation info and advice for new Members go to the Printouts Page
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